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Spiritual Consultation

This is spiritual counseling, not a reading.

All of us have profound spiritual experiences all the time since the nature of who we are is that of spiritual beings.

A spiritual consultation with me takes you by the hand to first understand the reason for certain things to exist in your life. This process involves then taking responsibility for that which we manifested into existence, for some reason, so we must see value in that what we manifested. At a spiritual level there are always reasons for things, whether we can understand them fully at that moment or not.


I took a private class with Mano to help with relaxation and improving my meditation techniques and left with a feeling of improvement in my overall wellbeing. As a result of working together, I became happier and realized what should matter more and what should matter less. It really helped me to handle the emotional part of life.

Inga Miller

A spiritual consultation is perfect for those who seek the truth and are ready to face themselves. During our sessions we will converse, explain, understand and create space in our hearts and a template in our minds for what we want ourselves and our life to become. Then we raise our vibration and energy field to rise above any pattern that we need to resolve and to include that what we prefer instead. In this way a spiritual consultation usually involves a form of energy healing. Many times, the client will go home with some homework to follow up on the process started together.

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